Rotary Club completes their harvest
Rotary Club completes their harvest

The Rotary Club of Melfort has completed the 2014 harvest of the Canadian Foodgrains Bank project.
Although the yield was down from 2013 due to excessive moisture and disease, with matching government grants 500 people can still be fed for one month.
The Rotary Club of Melfort said they get a lot of support throughout the community for the project.
Thanks goes out to Reagan Kunz of Cervus John Deere for doing all the seeding, spraying and harvesting.; Clare and Dale Boyd for providing the truck for seeding; A&K Trucking for trucking the grain tot he elevator; CPS Paragon Ag, BASF, Monsanto, and Bayer for supplying crop inputs; Prairie North Co-op for supplying the fuel; Viterra for letting the crop be delivered directly from the combine to the elevator; and to Rotarian Wayne Claggett for providing his land for this worthy project.